Vedic Meditation is a simple, natural, and effortless mental technique designed to purify stress and awaken your baselines state of bliss.
Vedic Meditation utilizes particular mantras which operate on the vibration of sound and have a soothing and calming effect on the physiology and mind.
Vedic Meditation originates from a 5,000 year old tradition dating back to ancient India. The practice is highly sought after in society today because of the effectivness in purifying deeply rooted stress while awakening inner bliss and creativity.
Vedic Meditation is practiced while sitting comfortably with the back supported.
The recommendation is to practice the technique for about 20 minutes in the morning and evening. During the course, students learn the best tips for fitting this practice into daily life.
Vedic Meditation is enjoyable to do because it's easeful, natural, simple - and the practice works. Students can begin to experience the benefits of the practice from their first meditation.
Once a student receives proper training during the course, they are able to practice Vedic Meditation self-sufficiently from any place in the world.
Learn about Vedic Meditation and ask your questions.
Over four 90 minute sessions learn the practice of Vedic Meditation.
Vedic Meditation is a self-sufficient practice which fits naturally
into daily life.
Once you learn Vedic Meditation you receive a lifetime of support with your practice, including group meditations and access to a global community.